
Technology for Learning Today: Future-Readiness and Cost-Effectiveness


This is the third and final article in a series on the future of education and how educational institutions can best provide for students’ and educators’ needs as we move ahead.

Technology for Learning Today: Future-Readiness and Cost-Effectiveness

Whether the students of the future will be gathering in lecture theatres, online, or in hybrid sessions that include both kinds of attendance, one thing is certain: the technology that universities and colleges provide must be ready to support all these new forms of education.


Technology must now form the foundation to support consistently high-quality education experiences in the long-term. And, with that in mind, it’s crucial that any investments educational institutions make are the right ones.  


Preparing for whatever tomorrow brings


With the prospect of an increase in remote learning even beyond the pandemic, universities must be ready to cater for all kinds of new scenarios. Seminars and lectures may now include remote participants – from overseas students attending online every time to local students joining remotely on a regular or sporadic basis.


If remote learning was a rare occurrence, or only needed for a finite period, then less-than-stellar experiences might be acceptable. A few technical hitches, logistical difficulties and teething problems might be forgiven as being par for the course. But when remote participation is a firm fixture, embedded alongside ‘traditional’ means of attendance, less-than-stellar is less than acceptable.


‘Good enough’ isn’t good enough


This means that whenever remote learning needs to be supported, whether scheduled far in advance or last-minute, the technology must meet the challenge. And it’s better to be safely confident today rather than discover your institution isn’t prepared later down the line.


When choosing new technology investments, think ahead:


  • Will this device help us cater for large numbers of remote students if needed?
  • Can we rely on this device for good experiences if sessions ever go ‘full-remote’?
  • Does this device help educators to engage on-campus students more than before?
  • Is it based on a leading platform that will continue being updated and improved?


If the answer to all those questions is ‘yes’, you’re off to a flying start. Or rather your future is.


Putting your investments in a practical context


Just like any other organisation in today’s challenging economic climate, educational institutions face the pressing imperative to make their budgets work as hard as possible. In a perfect world, every university would love to kit out their seminar rooms and lecture theatres with top-of-the-line equipment, but for most that’s just not feasible.


As a result, you need to think strategically in terms of how you’ll deploy the technology investments you do make. When considering a device, run through these three questions:


  1. What will be the most valuable and/or most common uses for the device?
  2. In which spaces (e.g. seminar rooms or lecture theatres) will it be used?
  3. How can you best coordinate your spaces, devices and usage?


Thinking about all your technology investments in this context – place and usage – means you’ll quickly arrive to some conclusions about the types and quantities of devices you need. And that will help you to prevent against over or under-investing. 

Technology investments you can rely on tomorrow


It’s arguable that universities and colleges need to put even more thought into the technology investments they make now than they ever needed to before. The choices educational institutions make today will ripple along far into the future, defining the kinds and quality of experiences they can support for their students.


Ultimately, making the right decisions will result in better education experiences for everyone – wherever, whenever and however they need to be delivered.


If you’d like to explore this topic in greater depth, you can read our eBook, ‘Better Education Experiences for Everyone’.  Or if you’d like to discuss how Roche AV can help your educational institution prepare for the future, just get in touch.   

Contact Us on 01422 310193 or use for form below!